61 speakers, alumni and special guests were attracted by the topic Artificial Intelligence to come to Martinsried near Munich, to hear and learn the experience of the experts. Technology, visions and ethical aspects were discussed during day 1, followed by an excellent dinner magically prepared by Chef Jean-Michel Féret. On day 2 we hosted by the Munich Leukemia Lab, and saw four beneficial examples of the use of A.I. in healthcare and biotech businesses.
New forms of Artificial Intelligence have an increasing influence on everybody’s life. Advanced algorithms in machine learning and – over and above – in deep learning allow decision making processes which were considered a sci-fi dream just a decade ago. For many experts, A.I. is considered to be the fastest technological progress ever. These innovative technologies create unimagined opportunities. But they also foster warranted and unjustified anxieties because we do not understand much of the complexities in decision-making processes of the algorithms.
NeoCOLAM 2019 was an eye-opener in many of these issues. How does A.I. work? Where can we imagine benefits from the new technologies? Which disruptive businesses are built on artificial intelligence already today? What are the visions of the experts? What kind of boundaries, rules and guardrails will we need for our own security? Find the presentation from seven experts under Historisches/Archiv after the Login (for COLAM members) or send a mail to to get an access link to a cloud server.
Invitation Program Registration NeoCOLAM 2019
Referenten Speakers NeoCOLAM 2019
Teilnehmerliste Participants NeoCOLAM 2019
Hotel: IZB Residence CAMPUS AT HOME
In March 2019 two companion briefings were published by Philip Boucher from the European Parliamentary Research Service which give an excellent insight into the technology and importance of Artificial Intelligence. You don’t need to be AI techie or misguided utopianist to gain a real-life understanding of how AI works and why it matters:
EPRS_BRI(2019)634420_EN_How AI works
EPRS_BRI(2019)634421_EN_Why AI matters
Presentations and Movies
Introduction Movie to Artificial Intelligence [37:26, presented by Thomas Gaul]
Find the presentations from seven experts under Historisches/Archiv after the Login (for COLAM members) or send a mail to to get an access link to a cloud server.
Saturday, 26. January, 2019
Dr. Shadi Albarqouni – TU München, CAMPAR
Artificial Intelligence: Just Mathematics?
Bart de Witte – futur/io
Deep Learning: Beyond Visions?
Dr. Claudia Schlembach – Hanns-Seidel-Stiftung
Ethics of Algorithms: New World Supremacy?
Sunday, 27. January, 2019
Prof. Dr. Dr. Torsten Haferlach – MLL Münchner Leukämielabor
Hematology: Individualising Therapies (and a Tour of the Lab)
Howard Urnovitz, Ph.D. – Chronix Biomedical
Liquid Biopsy: Decoding the Genetic Language of the Blood?
Howard Urnovitz – The Full Munich Lecture on Youtube
Howard Urnovitz – The Quest: Trailor Video on Youtube or Vimeo
Dr. Sabine Hauck – Leukocare
Biotech: Shift in-vitro to in-silico: Replacing Wet Lab by A.I.
Dr. Nicola Vona – Ada Health
Healthcare: Moving Digital Healthcare
Summary Movie: A.I. – Opportunities and Frontiers [1:29:17, presented by Thomas Gaul]
We want to clarify, that all presentations represent the personal opinion of the respective speakers.
Find the Picture Archive from seven experts under Historisches/Archiv after the Login (for COLAM members) or send a mail to to get an access link to a cloud server.